
Monday, 24 February 2014

6 things to do when you’re not his type

6 things to do when you’re
not his type
Sometimes, ladies, we just have to face the facts
– that we can flirt and smile and bat our
eyelashes all we want, but the reality is that
sometimes, no matter how perfect and pretty you
are (and you totally are!) you might simply not be
the girl that your perfect man is looking for.
So what is a girl to do when you realize that the
handsome stud of a guy you’ve been drooling over
(see: obsessing) for the last six months, who
you totallythought was into you, really just…well,
1. Be honest with yourself
Lying to yourself has never gotten anyone anywhere,
trust us. It’s better to just accept the plain hard facts
and move on. Overthinking it and trying to convince
yourself that “maybe, just maybe…” won’t work. Give up
the dream, girl.
2. If you need to know, get in the know
Sometimes though, a girl just really needs to hear the
cold, hard facts. If you know that you won’t ever be able
to walk away without knowing the truth, then just
(wo)man up and ask him flat out whether or not he’s
into you.
3. Distract yourself
And no, we’re not talking about finding the next guy
who makes eyes at you and hopping into bed with him.
Distract yourself from thinking about Mr. Uninterested
by hanging out with your girlfriends, taking up a yoga
class, or teaching yourself to cook.
4. Don’t continue to stalk him
We all know what it feels like to accidently hit the silly
little thumbs up icon or double-tap that stupid heart.
Don’t continue to stalk him once you’ve decided to
move on. It won’t end well.
5. Cry if you need to
Just because he was never yours to begin with doesn’t
mean that it doesn’t hurt like hell to let him go. If you
need to shed a couple tears and pound a couple
pillows, you go right ahead and do that girl.
6. Don’t give up hope
You are a stellar, awesome, superstar of a woman and
any dude would be lucky to have you. Just because you
didn’t fit this guy’s ideal doesn’t mean that you aren’t
the perfect girl for someone else. Don’t ever forget that.

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